What is Worship Like at Westwood Church of Christ?

Our worship is simple and designed to keep the focus on God, not ourselves. We do not worship with a choir or musical instrument, only our voices. All of our songs with lyrics are projected at the front of the auditorium and, if you prefer, song books are provided in each pew.
We have communion every Sunday as a cherished weekly reminder of what God did through Jesus. As you enter the church, you will be offered a disposable communion kit. Hold onto it until the designated time during service, in which we all will partake at the same time as a family.
There is also a weekly offering. Your gift to us is your presence. Contribution is for our members, so please don’t feel like you have to participate unless you want to.
What can my children do while I'm at worship?
Most every Sunday we have what we call “Kid’s Cave”. This is for our children from 3 years old through 2nd grade. The children will come to the front of the auditorium following the offering time as we sing, “God Is So Good”. There will be adults in each wing waiting for them and will lead them to the classroom where their worship is held. There will be members of our Children’s Ministry team there dedicated to teaching them in a fun environment. We like for our children to stay in the worship service for a while so they can understand the importance of being together with church family, which is why we do not have our Kid’s Cave for the entire hour.
We also have an attended nursery for those children younger than 3. Please feel free to use this service.

What time does everything begin?

On Sunday mornings, our worship begins at 9:30 AM. Our Bible classes are held following worship and begin at 10:30 AM. Coffee is available in the HeBrews Coffee Shop downstairs from between worship and class. On Sunday afternoons and Sunday nights, we have life groups that meet throughout the city in the homes of our members. We also have several groups that meet at the church building.
On Wednesday nights, we have classes for all ages. We serve dinner at Mission Kitchen which begins serving at 5:15 PM. This effort is to raise money to help those who are committed to being a part of the mission trip each summer. You donate whatever amount you wish. We begin our Bible study classes at 6:30 p.m. and dismiss for the night at 7:15 PM.
What should I wear?
We have no dress code. You will see some men wearing suits and ties and some women wearing dresses. But you’ll also see people wearing jeans and t-shirts. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. You won’t be judged.